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1. picture - do drama

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I am not offering drama sessions at the French Institute nor in Tátra utca in the 2019-2020 school year.


  Your child has the opportunity to develop his/her skills as well as his/her French knowledge by attending the drama sessions I offer :

- on a once a month basis at the French Institute : I. kerület, Fő u, 17. These monthly drama clubs are organized by the library and in order to attend any of these free sessions (for children aged from 5 to 10), you need to write to the librarian Ildiko Csekő : i.


- every week near Margaret Bridge, for children already speaking French and aged 6-11. Please contact me in this case!

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learn French do drama listen to stories go to autumn camp discover the city




Estelle Karady: - 06-20-373-9185.

Regular activities take place in Pest near to Margaret Bridge, summer camps in Buda near to Pasaréti Square.footer_bottom.gif

French language for children, learn French, French for children in nursery, school, French teacher for chldren, speak French, children-friendly teaching, fun learning, enjoy learning French,  French drama for children, playing in French, fun activities in French story telling for free, French story telling, French afternoon, afternoon in French, French camp, French summer camp for children in pre-school or in school  French language learning camp, autumn camp in French, French autumn camp for children


Honlapkészítés: honlapkészítés