No activities offered during 2019-2020 school year because of moving. Activities will be resumed in the 2nd district (Hüvösvölgy area).
I offer different opportunities to learn/ practise French :
- Tuesday morning : - at 9.15 : for children aged 0-4 (40 minutes : 1500 forint)
we tell rhymes and sing songs, play simple games, I read simple stories to them.
- Wednesday at 4.30 pm for children from 5-8 (60 minutes : 2200 forint) : around a story, we play lots of games using the vocabulary and the main important structures that we heard. I install a routine in the session, and within a short laps of time I don't need to explain things in Hungarian/or English because children know what all is about. We reread the stories regularly, without translating, because they are known to children. When the games and rhymes/ songs are well known, I introduce new ones.
-Wednesday at 5.30 pm for children aged 9-12 (60 minutes : 2200 forint) learning French or FRENCH-SPEAKING children aged 5 upwards. Please write me!
PAYMENT : these activities are to be attended regularly, you pay at each session, but you need to pay each session of non attendance half price at the condition that you inform me of non-attending (as I try my best to adapt the content to the children attending). Otherwise, it will cost you full price.